Our transformational coaching curriculum is designed to produce maximum results in minimal time. We support you in developing and refining the skills you need to succeed. We’ll help you confront challenges head-on and develop a plan of action to overcome what has hindered you in the past.

Our Coaching Clients Receive:
- Personalized coaching curriculum designed for you
- Weekly/ Monthly coaching sessions
- Specific action-oriented assignments
- Direct email access to your coach
- Confidential advice and accountability
- And much, much more!
What did Michael Jordan, Princess Diana,C.S. Lewis and Oprah Winfrey all have in common? They all used coaches. Even at the peak of their careers, great leaders continue to use coaches to help them achieve more. If you are ready to take action and create the outcomes you want, we offer coaching programs to assist you in the process. Improve your performance and your results!
Pursue a more focused level of intentional growth through our transformational coaching services. To learn more about how you or your team can benefit from our customized coaching solutions click here.
Creating Breakthrough
In life there will be certain seasons when you feel unable to make progress. It may be in one area, like your finances.
Or it may show up in numerous areas simultaneously and you feel “stuck” in your relationships, job, health and more.
That’s when you need to know and employ the skill of creating breakthrough:
- How to Master Adversity
- 5 Highly Effective Tools for Leveling Mental Roadblocks
- A Foolproof System for Accountability and Follow Through
- The 3 Blind Spots that Undermine Your Best Efforts
- How to Use Risk to Motivate Change

Download your FREE GIFT NOW!
Unstuck 5 Proven Methods to Break Strongholds by Nikoshia Ceasar
This eBook is one of Nikoshia Ceasar's most popular publications available as a free download. Inside of this ebook, you will learn how to:
- Cast Your Doubt Aside
- Have a Word to Stand On
- Get Out of Your Head
- Gain Strength With No Heavy Lifting
- Discover The True You
What People Are Saying:

Audrey Fisher
People First Direct Care, LLC | Baton Rouge, LA
"Before working with Coach Nikoshia Ceasar, I was in a place of confinement, which consist of built walls, and trust issues. I was struggling with establishing new relationships due to lack of trust. She help me work through my issue of trust as well as my state of confinement, by using a bulldozer to knock down the walls that was built over time.
Today I am a new person, I no longer have the walls up, and open to meeting new people and most importantly my spirituality has been awaken. If you are struggling with emptiness, friendship issues, failure, financial crisis or inner peace.
I highly recommend working with Coach Nikoshia Ceasar."

Teralyn Plumber
Kinder, LA
"Before working Coach Nikoshia Ceasar, I was struggling with addictions, discipline and communication. She helped me work through these obstacles by refocusing on Christ Jesus for my addictions, staying disciplined in eating healthier and working out. She helped me articulate my words and process my emotions so that I can effectively communicate with my peers without projecting how I am feeling.
Today, I have learned to love all parts of myself and am creating healing music for god’s children. If you are struggling with your purpose, pain or passions I highly recommend working with Coach Ceasar she’ll have you diving so deep into yourself you’ll discover things about yourself you didn’t know you had."

Dee Dickerson
Smart Community Storage | Beach City, TX
"Nikoshia is a beam of light, her radiance was evident from encounters before we even knew each other. Getting to know Nikoshia makes one feel lighter, like the light she exudes is contagious.
Little did I know that she was changing me by just being in her presence. I have carried that light with me pursuant to starting my own business."

Lewanda Powell
Beaucoup Remedy Market Place | Van Buren, AR
"Before working with Coach Nikoshia I was in the process of trying to find my purpose and a spiritual relationship with God. While working with Her she helped enlightened what was there, but I could not see it. She showed me steps to take and reassured me that I was worthy. She has guided me to a place in my life that I live, laugh, love and be my true self all while growing closer to God. She has truly been a light in my life when I couldn't find my way.
She's not only an extraordinary coach She's an extraordinary friend."

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